New Way Air Bearings ® does more than simply produce cutting edge porous media air bearings. We also act as a prototyper and systems integrator, working with industry partners to produce bespoke solutions for our customers. Today we want to talk about the benefits of precision epoxy surfaces produced by our sister company, Devitt Machinery….
Magnetic vs Oppositional Preloading
New Way Air Bearings ® is proud to offer a variety of frictionless motion solutions to meet all of our customers’ needs, Drew Devitt is here to explain the difference between two kinds of preloading available on our linear slides: oppositional and magnetic
TPS Helps Houston
HOUSTON, Texas— Hurricane Harvey may have delayed the annual Houston Turbomachinery & Pump Symposia (TPS) for three months, but event exhibitors are springing in to action now.
James B. Bryan Memorial Video
In this memorial video to James B. Bryan, Drew interviews Jim while sailing out on the San Francisco Bay. Following the interview is a photo slideshow. To see the video, just click “Read More” and then “Play.”
Retrofitting with Air Bearings
Download the InfographicEffects of Water Flowing Through Bearings
Our latest video involves Drew experimenting with the turbo demo. Watch and see the effects of water running through the bearings and on to the shaft while it still spins. To see the video, just click “Read More” and then “Play.”
Axis of Rotation Metrology Reveals Precision of Air Bearing Spindle
This video post was filmed during independent testing of New Way’s 90mm Vacuum Preloaded (VPL) Air Bearing in the Machine Dynamics Lab at Penn State University.
Testing Reveals High Air Bearing Air Film Stiffness and Damping
Welcome to the March 22, 2013 edition of Drew’s Views. This is the second video post filmed during independent testing in the Machine Dynamics Lab at Penn State University. This time, Theodore R.S. Deakyne performed the Air Film Dynamics testing under the guidance of Dr. Eric Marsh, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Penn State, and…
Surprise! Vacuum Preloaded Air Bearings Provide High Damping
This video post was filmed during independent testing of New Way’s 90mm Vacuum Preloaded (VPL) Air Bearing in the Machine Dynamics Lab at Penn State University.
Drew Devitt Introduces New Way's Standard Air Bushing Product Line
Welcome to the November 26, 2012 edition of Drew’s Views. This video post provides an introduction to the standard New Way Air Bushing product line, including the company’s Metric and English versions, their characteristics, and how to install them, as well as some visual examples of how they are being applied. To see the video, just…