Scratching and particulates can significantly decrease your manufacturing yield.
How to eliminate contact is the question.
Dirk Smits, of IBS Precision Engineering, provides the answers in this 10-page Q&A from New Way® Air Bearings. A 10-minute read, “Improving R2R Processing with New Way Air Turns,” provides the rationale you need to replace the turn bars, rollers, and even the tension bars that are causing your deleterious effects.
This Q&A covers a series of relevant questions answered by industry-expert Smits, including:
What is the current state of converting?
Which industries currently use R2R processing?
What is causing the problems in the web?
Is there a non-contact solution?
How do New Way Air Turns work?
What components can air turns replace?
New Way Porous Media™ Air Turns provide the non-contact solution that is changing the way webs are handled, providing a disruptive opportunity to increase processing yields.
To download the “Improving R2R Processing with New Way Air Turns” Q&A, simply complete the form above.