Air Bearings for Additive Manufacturing


Download the Air Bearings for 3D Printing E-BookToday!

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New Way Air Bearings® has always focused on expanding into new applications for our externally pressurized Porous Media™, and now we’re evaluating the 3D printing, or additive manufacturing industry. Additive manufacturing offers a powerful tool for OEM’s and is a bountiful service industry all on it’s own. Whether it’s the latest aerospace structures, medical implants or cleanroom manufacturing, air bearings offer a unique capability for producing high quality, long lasting parts at a fraction of the cost, and a fraction of time. For rapid prototyping and on demand jigging, 3D printing gives even smaller firms the ability to move more production in house, improving quality and cutting costs. To learn more, download the air bearings for 3D printing E-Book!

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