LOCATION: Renaissance Minneapolis Hotel in Minneapolis Minnesota
DATES: November 1-5, 2021
BOOTH #: 203
Rich Hesse, Technical Sales Manager, rhesse@newwayairbearings.com 610-494-6700 Ex 210 Tim Claffey, VP Sales
New Way® Air Bearings will be attending and exhibiting at the American Society for Precision Engineering’s 36th Annual Meeting, taking place November 1st through 5th in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Minneapolis Renaissance Hotel. The ASPE’s annual forum serves as a platform for collaboration, education, and networking for those in the field of precision manufacturing. With each event boasting a vast array of exhibitors across fields from medicine, optics, turbomachinery, metrology, and nanotechnology, the ASPE annual forum is the premier event for those seeking a new technology, or looking to spread the word about their own. New Way Air Bearings hopes to see you there, as we connect with our colleagues and demonstrate all the benefits that frictionless, non-contact motion brings through new technological innovations, upgrades or even retrofitting existing systems!