Our latest video involves Drew experimenting with the turbo demo. Watch and see the effects of water running through the bearings and on to the shaft while it still spins. To see the video, just click “Read More” and then “Play.”
Drew Devitt Introduces New Way's Standard Air Bushing Product Line
Welcome to the November 26, 2012 edition of Drew’s Views. This video post provides an introduction to the standard New Way Air Bushing product line, including the company’s Metric and English versions, their characteristics, and how to install them, as well as some visual examples of how they are being applied. To see the video, just…
New Way Air Bearings Featured In The June 2012 Issue Of PTE Magazine
Welcome to Drew’s Views for June 22, 2012. This is just a quick edition designed to let you know that there is a nice article in the June 2012 edition of Power Transmission Engineering (PTE) Magazine featuring New Way Distributor AXIS New England and printer manufacturer EFI. Here is a link to the article, which…
Understanding Restriction and Compensation in Air Bearings
Welcome to the July 6, 2012 edition of Drew’s Views. In this video post Drew covers the characteristics that distinguish air bearings from every other pneumatic system: Restriction and Compensation. And you’ll see why porous media air bearings provide an advantage over orifice bearings. To see the video, just click ‘Read More’ and then ‘Play.’…
Retrofitting with Air Bearings
Download the InfographicCentury-Old Tilting Pad Bearings Show Future Air Bearing Applications
Welcome to the March 12, 2012 edition of Drew’s Views. Drew “introduces” Tilting Pad Bearings using a Kingsbury Demo Kit from the 1920s. Though these bearings were invented before the turn of the LAST century, the concept still flies today. Drew sees future applications for air bearings based on the same principles. Click ‘Read More’…
Holiday Uses For Your Obsolete Ball Bearings!
Welcome to the December 16 edition of Drew’s Views. This entry is not a video blog post, but it does provide a link to New Way’s animated 2011 Holiday Card, which continues our tradition of providing ‘Holiday Uses for Your Obsolete Ball Bearings.’ We hope you’ll take time out during this busy time of year…
Can A Hacksaw Cut Your Air Bearing Decision Down To Size?
Welcome to the August 24, 2011 edition of Drew’s Views. This video blog post covers some Air Bearing Basics. We want to put these precision components into context for you. The best way to do so is to show you how they work in their natural environment. To see how these bearings compare, just expand…
Can An Air Film Be Stiffer Than Steel?
Welcome to the June 8, 2011 edition of Drew’s Views. This is our first Video Blog. We look forward to showing you how air bearings work, and the value of the
Can Air Bearings Be An Enabling Technology For Your Organization?
My name is Drew Devitt, and I am the founder, chairman, and chief technology officer of New Way Air Bearings. We are the world’s leading independent manufacturer of modular air bearing products, and provider of porous media air bearing solutions. New Way was incorporated in 1994, but we have actually been manufacturing these precision non-contact…